Please select your OsteoStrong session needs time below
You have the option to customize your OsteoStrong experience to your needs. Depending on your time, availability and health needs you can choose the bone health plan that fits you.
We have clear and simple member pricing.
And all membership plans come with our satisfaction guarantee and no long term commitments.
How much does it cost
$259/mo. Essential
Includes Spectrum Sessions + Vibe Plate + 6 Modalities same day as your session
$309/mo. Competitive Edge
Includes Spectrum Sessions + Vibe Plate + 2 Modalities of your choice same day as your session
$359/mo. Peak Performance
Includes Spectrum Sessions + Vibe Plate + 6 Modalities 3 times a week
*One-Time Enrollment Fee of $199.00
Depending on how many additional wellness modalities you use and how often you come in.